How To Be Successful Against Power Pitchers!

Against some of the harder throwers, many very good hitters cut down on their stride or even omit it completely. For those hitters who have trouble against “flame throwers,” they should remember that it’s not necessary to take any stride at all or to swing the bat that hard. Some baseball hitters, especially young hitters, […]

July Reflections on the Cleveland Indians

What makes this year’s version of the Cleveland Indians different from those the past few years? They seem to have more staying power. Well, that remains to be seen, but at least they have the power to come back after getting knocked down. During the 2011 and 2012 seasons, the Indians shot out of the […]

My Live Interview with Hall of Fame President, Jeff Idelson

Hey baseball fans! As some of you may remember, back in December, I had the great honor to interview Jeff Idelson, the actual President of the Baseball Hall of Fame. The interview was done over the phone and Jeff couldn’t have been any nicer. Here’s a link to that interview, in case you want to check […]

Book Review: Instant Baseball

If you take pictures with your iPhone and post them to Instagram, you probably never considered that a book could be published of the pictures from your camera phone. Well, Brad Mangin has done just that. Mangin, a freelance photojournalist who has taken the cover photo for more than one dozen issues of Sports Illustrated, […]

You Really Should Learn How To Hit To The Opposite Field!

By now, we’ve all heard the expression, “hit it where it’s pitched.” It’s very frustrating for a baseball pitcher when he throws a perfect low and away strike and the batter hits the ball to the opposite field for a hit. Most baseball pitchers will realize immediately how well schooled this particular baseball hitter is. […]

Book Review: Loudmouth

Sports radio listeners have been hearing Craig Carton in many markets across the country for decades now. For those familiar with Carton, there will be no surprise that his first book, Loudmouth, is extremely entertaining. In fact, Carton’s new work is likely the most fun you will have reading a book from the sports section […]

My Favorite Hall of Fame Duos

Hey baseball fans! I’m sure you all know the dynamic duo of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. If you don’t, let me just tell you that they are a great Hall of Fame duo. Do you think they made my list of my top favorite Hall of Fame duos in baseball history? Read on and find […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: This Probably Gets My Vote For Number One!

The directness of the baseball swing should be right near the top of your list of baseball tips on hitting if you are seriously trying to be a very successful baseball hitter or if you are coaching baseball hitters. You must swing directly to the baseball and the front elbow should be pointed downward when […]

My Adventures at the Hall of Fame Classic

Hey baseball fans! I just went up to the Hall of Fame because I had press credentials to attend the Hall of Fame Classic and I wanted to tell you about my trip.  In case you didn’t know, the Hall of Fame Classic is a game played between former players (and some Hall of Famers) […]

An Interview with Phil Niekro

Hey baseball fans! As you may know, I just went to the Hall of Fame Classic and got to interview some of the greatest players and managers in baseball history. One of the pitchers I briefly interviewed was Hall of Famer Phil Niekro. Because the interview was not filmed (just like the ones with Cito Gaston […]

How To Get To Know Your Plate Umpire Very Quickly!

If while pitching, you have the very good fortune to have a plate umpire who is calling strikes on pitches not in the strike zone, don’t feel any obligation whatsoever to throw strikes. If he is calling them high, why should you bring your pitches down? If he is calling them low, why should you […]

My top 5 Fantasy Baseball sell high options

Criteria For this analysis we will be looking at the following metrics (although not every player will be judged against all of these): Batting Average (BA), Batting Average on Balls In Play (BABIP), StriKout percentage (K%), Base on Balls (walks) percentage (BB%), On Base Percentage (OBP), Slugging average of total bases (SLG), Weighted Runs Created […]

A Bird in the Hall of Fame?

Hey baseball fans! Remember in my Gary Carter post where I said to stalk my blog like a hawk for new posts? Well, the reason I said that was because I was making a reference to another Expo Hall of Famer, Andre Dawson! Andre “The Hawk” (got his nickname because his uncle said that he attacked ground balls […]

The Inventor of the Moonshot

Hey baseball fans! Matt Nadel here of Baseball with Matt with some more on the history of America’s Pastime. Now I know that at least some of you have heard of the great quarterback in the NFL, Warren Moon. However, have you ever heard of Wally Moon (no relation)? At first, I had never heard of the […]

An Interview with Yankees Reporter Ken Davidoff

Hey baseball fans! I have a really cool interview for you today! It’s with BBWAA member, Ken Davidoff! “Ken Davidoff?” you ask. “Who is Ken Davidoff?” Well, if you read the following paragraph and interview, you will find out. Ken has been a member of the BBWAA since May 2001 (and was even its President). […]

My Top Five Red Sox Hall of Famers of All Time

  Hey baseball fans! In case you don’t know, I’m a huge Yankees fan. That means that I am literally forced to hate the Red Sox. However, I don’t hate some of the Sox’s past players. In fact, by the end of this post, you will know my top five favorite Red Sox Hall of […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: Productive Outs Win Ballgames!

Sometimes it’s a little thing that helps win a baseball game. It’s not always what makes the headlines in the newspapers or something that draws the most attention. “Productive outs” definitely fit into the category of little things that aren’t so little at all. Possibly what you thought was a very big hit in a […]

The Virtual World of Duke Snider III

Hey baseball fans! Today I have something a little different to share with you. As you know, I am a teenager and, as a teenager, I enjoy playing video games. There is this one video game on the PlayStation3 called: “MLB 13: The Show”, which is a realistic baseball game where you have the option […]

Matt Nadel’s First Ever Movie Review: 42

Hey baseball fans! I’m sure you’ve all heard about the movie “42” that recently came out in theaters. Well, I decided to do a movie review of it! The movie “42: The True Story of an American Legend” is the story of how Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier and joined the major leagues, the first black […]

How To Properly Make Adjustments On The Mound!

As a baseball pitcher, you absolutely must make pitching adjustments throughout a game. Just as you make your adjustments, remember that the good baseball hitters will adjust to you also, which is one of the reasons they are good hitters. If you made a good hitter look bad on a changeup, he’s going to adjust. […]

An Interview with Hall of Famer Fergie Jenkins

Hey baseball fans! I have another interview for you today! It is with Hall of Fame pitcher Fergie Jenkins! If you’d like to first learn some more about the only Canadian in the Hall of Fame, just click here for a prior blog post that I did about him. So, let’s get to the interview.   Matt: If you […]

A Kid in the HOF?

Hey baseball fans! I realize I haven’t blogged about actual baseball history in about a week and I apologize for that. Today, I will be blogging about one of my favorite catchers of all time. Yes, I am a Yankee fan, but I’m not talking about Yogi Berra or Bill Dickey. I’m also not talking about Mike Piazza, who […]

Hey Get A Grip Will You?

Whenever possible, try to grip the ball with four seams before throwing the baseball to one of your teammates. It’s one of the most important baseball fielding tips that unfortunately, very few focus on. You want the closed part of the horseshoe formed by the seams on the baseball to be either facing inside toward […]

Book Review: Nailed!

What are the first words things that come to mind when you think of Lenny Dykstra. For me, it was words such as competitor, gritty, athletic, aggressive and even arrogant. After reading Nailed!: The Improbable Rise and Spectacular Fall of Lenny Dykstra, I quickly learned that a list of characteristics such as that doesn’t even […]

ML”what would”B: What if Bo Jackson Had Stuck with Just Baseball?

Hey baseball fans! I just put up another ML”what would”B post on More Than a Fan. In every ML”what would”B alternative history post, I discuss what would have happened if a famous event in baseball history had gone differently than it did in reality. For my latest post, I wondered what would have happened if Bo Jackson had stuck […]

The Greatest Youngster Around

  Hey baseball fans! Let’s get something straight: not all Hall of Famers have a World Series ring. For example, Ernie Banks never got one because he played on the Cubs. Harmon Killebrew almost got a ring in ’65 with the Twins, but never got that close to a championship again in his career. Finally, even the great Ted Williams never […]

My First Trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame

Hey baseball fans! I am off this week because of spring break, so naturally I took a baseball-related vacation… to the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, New York! If you can believe this, it was actually my first time there and it was AWESOME!!!!!! I had a lot of fun and […]

How To Recognize A Curve Ball Very Quickly!

6 Recognizing a curve ball quickly is not an easy thing to do. Hitting a well located curve is not easy either. That’s why you will hear the expression, “He’s a good fastball hitter” ten times for every one time you will hear, “He’s a good curve ball hitter.” I’m well aware that part of […]

The Kid From Santa Barbara

Hey baseball fans! I’m sure you know who has the most career home runs (Barry Bonds with 762), who has the most career wins (Cy Young with 511), and who has the longest consecutive hitting streak in baseball history (Joe DiMaggio with 56). However, do you know who holds the record for most games played in as a […]

ML”what would”B: What if Tex was a Red Sox Part Two

Hey baseball fans! I just put up another ML”what would”B post on More Than a Fan. In every ML”what would”B alternative history post, I discuss what would have happened if a famous event in baseball history had gone differently than it did in reality. For my latest post, I continued the discussion I started back in February when I […]

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