Biking for Baseball All the Way to Nationals Park

Biking for Baseball [] is a youth mentoring organization that is currently cycling 11,000 miles to each MLB stadium this summer to raise funds and awareness for youth mentoring programs across the country. One of the riders, Chase Higgins @chaser_racer32, blogs about baseball games they’ve been to and general MLB throughout the trip. Nationals Park […]

Take a Ride on the Kyle Kendrick Roller Coaster

If Kyle Kendrick’s baseball career was a movie, it would be the second remake of “Total Recall,” where up is down and down is up. The Kyle Kendrick story begins with a young, seemingly talentless pitcher who bursts onto the scene with stones of steel and without whom the Philadelphia Phillies do not win their […]

MLB Midseason Report

By   We’re past the halfway point of the baseball regular season. Join us as we reflect on the top performers and on which teams have made the most money in MLB odds throughout the first half.   In terms of player performances, there’s been one true standout in each league.   The AL […]

Pushing the Panic Button in the Second Week of the Fantasy Baseball Season

If there is one thing that never ceases to amaze, it is the sheer number of fantasy baseball owners that panic as early as the second week of the baseball season. With such a small sample size, it is easy to overreact when players have a poor start to the season. However, there are often […]

DVD Review: Baseball’s Greatest Games-Collector’s Edition

  Looking for the perfect item to get your baseball fix on TV in the offseason?  Well, you can stop looking once you acquire Baseballs Greatest Games. Put out by MLB and A&E Studios in 2011, this 11 disc DVD set will occupy any baseball lover for hours (29 hours and 56 minutes to be […]

How to Help the Baseball Player that is Extremely Hard on Himself

Baseball is a difficult game to begin with. Add in a child, who is very hard on himself when he fails, and parents have the recipe for many unhappy nights. This type child is often difficult to reason with and parents may feel like their child needs outside help. That may be true. First, parents […]

Grading the Trade Deadline: Part 1

This year’s crop of deadline deals was widely expected to be one of the weakest trading markets in recent history, and in many ways, it was. So many teams in dire need of a shortstop or catcher simply couldn’t find suitable ones on the market, and teams looking to make big additions were met with […]

Baseball and the 4th of July: Celebrations and Happenings

by James Campbell July 4th, Independence Day, Celebrating Being Free, Being American And what is more American then baseball? It has faltered a bit in popularity in recent years, but for over 100 years it was ubiquitous with America. In fact, the famous idiom states, “As American as baseball and apple pie”   Many great […]

Phillies review: April 2011

      Not a bad start to the 2011 season for the Phillies. Amid “World Series or bust” talk after acquiring Cliff Lee, the 2011 Phillies lived up to their lofty expectations. The Phillies finished April with an MLB best 18-8 record, setting a club record for April wins in the process.   As […]

Play By Play: A Book Review

Neal Conan’s voice is known by many across the country due to his coverage of political issues on National Public Radio’s show Talk of the Nation, not for baseball play calling. Despite his popularity and the security of employment gained through being with NPR, Conan had a chance to do what many baseball fans dream […]

2011 Atlanta Braves Season Preview

At the time of this writing, on the eve of the 2011 season, the season is beginning to come into focus for the Atlanta Braves.  A strong lineup and the best starting rotation outside of Philadelphia seems to point to a return to the playoffs, but will it be enough to overcome the vaunted rotation […]

Remembering Chuck Tanner and Winning Championships

Chuck Tanner sadly passed away on February 11th.  One thing you will never hear me criticize when writing about Pittsburgh is the loyalty that fans have shown to those who have given their best.  Sometimes, one’s best isn’t enough to win a championship. Fortunately for Chuck Tanner, his best was good enough to claim a […]

“This is baseball”

It is a famous phrase that I have learned to love since I was 11 years old.  It all started when I attended my first official baseball game in Louisville, Kentucky.  Sure, at the time, I had been introduced to baseball before then (my grandmother was an avid Atlanta Braves fan ever since I was […]

Scouting Legend Bill Lajoie Goes to Heaven as a Pirate

Editor’s note: This article was first published on Bucs Prospects HERE on December 30th. As far as Pirates fans should be concerned, the biggest mistake Bill Lajoie made was joining the organization 20 years too late. You Bucco fanatics have no idea what you missed and what Detroiters like me gained. Allow me to explain. Hired […]

The Activity Begins

The best part of the hot stove season is anticipating player moves. This first real week of movement was no exception. It’s like playing those silly scoreboard games to guess which hat the ball is under, although anyone with a good set of eyes or a good seatmate can guess this. Not so with player […]

Another Baseball Reflections Site Update

Ok, so the audio commenting function is now working and it’s brought to us by a company called Blurts! You can find the Blurts button above the SUBMIT button in the comments section of every article. If you click on the button, you can record an audio file of up to 30 seconds…if you run […]

American and National League Divisional Series Prediction

OK, this is my first attempt at a webcast so it’s bound to be a little rough around the edges. I now see that it is much easier doing one of these with at least one more person like on the BBA Baseball Talk podcasts or online with the guys over at Pro Rumors TV. […]

Two Great Baseball-Related Causes

With the AL East and the NL West yet to be determined, with the looser in the AL taking the Wild Card while the NL West looser might be watching from the couch if the Atlanta Braves have anything to say about it! That would be a fitting way to end Booby Cox’s managerial carrer, […]

Phillies Month in Review: August

The Charlie Manuel Affect Charlie Manuel teams play well in August, and 2010 was no different.  The Phillies were 18-10 for the month and went from 3.5 games back and in 2nd place to sharing the lead with the Atlanta Braves.  Not bad for a team that has been slammed with injuries and plagued with […]

The Braves Didn’t Know What Hit ‘em

Before we really hit the stretch run, I feel it is important to reflect on what the Phillies have accomplished to take a five game lead on the Atlanta Braves. I was listening to the radio and Scott Franske pointed out just how far the Phillies have come. On July 22 the Phillies were 7 […]

The Start of A New Era in Atlanta, Without Chipper Jones?

Thanks to our friends (and fellow members of the Baseball Bloggers Alliance, aka the BBA) at The Hall of Very Good, we bring you the latest 24 hours old news on the Chipper Jones (Braves 3B) injury and career status…Chipper Jones…Career Over? Tuesday night, Atlanta Braves third baseman Chipper Jones tweaked his left knee fielding […]

The New York Yankees: Brains Behind the Brawn?

Ah, hating the Yankees. This is a passion that even the most hated division rivals will share. If you’ve never heard someone say “All they do is buy championships,” you must not be from this continent. Buying championships? I think that undersells the fantastic job that GM Brian Cashman has done. Since From 1973 until […]

The Braves’ Improbable Comeback

A pinch hit, walk-off grand-slam capped a 7 run 9th inning for the Braves as they beat the Reds 10 – 9. How improbable was the Braves 6 run comeback Thursday night?  Lance Nix of the Reds couldn’t believe it. Brooks Conrad – who hit the home run – couldn’t believe it.  Besides it being […]

2010 Opening Day in San Francisco

Well, Opening Day 2010 for the San Francisco Giants was absolutely and utterly spectacular. It was everything that I could ask for from a baseball game. The giveaway was great– Giants calendars which they give away every year for Opening Day. Not only that, the game went into extra innings — lasting into the thirteenth […]

Braves 2010 Primer: 5 Questions

The ’09 Braves contended till the final week of the season.  How will they fare this year? 5. Who will bat leadoff? Since Nate McLouth has single handedly been trying to turn the Braves into the Pittsburg Pirates, one would wonder if he’s going to permanently be hidden in the 8 hole be given time […]

Why Are There So Many Pitching Injuries?

(Excerpt from book CHARACTER IS NOT A STATISTIC: The Legacy and Wisdom of Baseball’s Godfather Scout Bill Lajoie) This is a topic that fascinates me and one I was sure to discuss with Bill Lajoie before writing our book.  For those who don’t know Mr. Lajoie, he is considered by many to be the greatest […]

Book Review: Burying the Curse, By Terry Pluto

To many, Terry Pluto has been the most trusted voice of Cleveland sports over the past two decades. Through his tenure with the Akron Beacon Journal and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Pluto had readers waiting for the paper to get his specific view on whatever issue was going on at that time. Pluto has also […]

Same Old Off-Season: The Rich Get Richer and the Orioles Watch

Image via Wikipedia After enduring another long and disappointing season on the field in 2009, the 2009-2010 off-season was supposed to be the start of a new day for the Baltimore Orioles. With enough quality young pitchers to fill two rotations and a nucleus of talented young position players, this was to be the off-season […]

The Secret of Mariano Rivera’s Success

Image via Wikipedia He’s A Christian! But he wasn’t always a Christian, people never are…not from birth anyway. Furhtermore, there is a moment in every Christian’s life where they have made a choice to follow the path God has planned for them. For some, it’s as clear as day, but for others, it’s a gradual […]

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