The Top 10 Fantasy Catchers of 2009
Ok, after playing in only four Fantasy Baseball Leagues (all on ESPN) in three years (and winning in two of those) I have decided to take over the weekly Fantasy Baseball Column here on Baseball Reflections each Friday (when possible). For example, this year in a 12 team league with a draft saw me as […]
Nick Kappel’s Fantasy Focus: Three Players To Sell High On
In my last Fantasy Focus, I outlined three pitchers whose slow starts made them prime buy-low candidates. This week I’m going to nominate three players whose hot starts make them excellent sell-high targets. Keep in mind that obvious choices, such as Kevin Millwood, will be left off the list. I would like to think that […]
Interleague Play Q&A
Back on December 8, 2008 I posted a 10 question interview session that I conducted with 6 other baseball bloggers about their thoughts concerning Interleague play. With the first Interleague series of the year going this weekend I thought it would be a good time to post this link to it for your amusement! Enjoy! […]