An Interview with Marty Appel

Hey baseball fans! Remember how I went to that event and interviewed Ron Blomberg and also met Len Berman, Ira Berkow and Marty Appel? Well, Marty Appel agreed to an interview! He gave some really great answers and I really want you to read them, but let me tell you a little bit about the author of […]

The Tommy John Interview: Part 1

Tommy John and A Glove of Their Own I recently interviewed former MLB pitcher Tommy John, for those of you who have been under a rock for the past 30 years, Tommy had played 26 seasons, accumulating 288 wins with a 3.34 ERA and over 2200 strikeouts. He played for 6 Major League Teams, including […]

Boston’s Other Green Monster

I recently interviewed co-founder of Perfect Mind Perfect Motion (PMPM) Sports, Buddy Biancalana and he put me in touch with former PMPM Sports student and current Red Sox INF/RP Nick Green. In this interview, Nick talks about his career, Boston and his experience with PMPM Sports. Image by Getty Images via Daylife For Nick Green’s […]

The Steve Garvey Interview

Image via Wikipedia I recently had the privilege of asking Dodger great, Steve Garvey (1B) a few questions. I was put in contact with Mr. Garvey by Athlete Promotions.   AthletePromotions manages the website, corporate appearances, speaking engagements and endorsement deals for 10 time All-Star, Steve Garvey. To see who else Athlete Promotions represents please […]

Interview with Greg Rajan of the Corpus Christi Caller-Times

Today we’re featuring an incredible interview with Greg Rajan, sports writer for the Corpus Christi Caller-Times. He has covered the team since its inception, and we’ve done these e-mail interviews with a number of people – this is, by far, the most extensive. Captip to Greg for taking the time to answer these questions thoroughly. […]

Rollie’s Follies: An Interview with Hall of Famer Rollie Fingers

**The Quotes as presented are direct from Rollie Fingers courtesy of an interview that he was kind enough to grant me in conjunction with his new book.** When people approach professional athletes, they are usually looking for a career retrospective or a biography. That is exactly what Yellowstone Ritter had in mind when he contacted […]

Interview With Buddy Biancalana of PMPM Sports

Have you ever been playing sports and experienced a feeling that you thought was only seen in the movies that is called being “in the zone”? If you have or even if you’d like to read more about people who have experienced this, please read on. I recently had the pleasure and privelidge of interviewing […]

Interview With SlumpBuster Co-Founder Jeff Brannon

If any of you have ever played sports as a kid, I’m sure you all have experienced being in a slump. But what did you do to get out of it? Some may have thought about wearing the same underwear to every game until the slump was broken. Others might not have washed their socks, […]

INTERVIEW: Craig Calcaterra of Shysterball

Image via Wikipedia Here’s an interview done by Russ Smith of SpliceToday entitled, “Interview: Craig Calcaterra of Shysterball“. Russ was kind enough to allow up to repost this on Baseball Reflections today. As the MLB season reaches its halfway mark, Splice has once again consulted Shysterball‘s Craig Calcaterra, our favorite baseball blogger. Calcaterra, a lawyer […]

Interview With Former MLB Catcher Brent Mayne

Whenever you get the chance to talk to someone that has been there, it’s always special to see it through their eyes. On June the 19th, 2009, I was given the pleasure of an audience with Brent Mayne, a 15 year Major League Veteran. My connection with Brent was made through a gentleman named Bob […]

The Future of the Astros…

Image via Wikipedia The Lancaster JetHawks are the Astros High-A farm team in the California League. For the last few years, Lancaster was the Red Sox‘ California League team. That changed for 2009 when the Astros changed their affiliation. Jeff Lasky has been with the JetHawks for what is now his 4th season. As the […]

An Interview with Chad Durbin, Phillies RP

Today we’d like to welcome 2008 World Series Champion relief pitcher from the Philadelphia Phillies, Chad Durbin to Baseball We contacted Chad to talk about the World Series, his career and to discuss which he co-founded. Showcase U gives high school student athletes a way to showcase themselves so that they can increase […]

An Interview of Baseball Bloggers on InterLeague Play

I got to thinking about what I like and dislike about interleague play in baseball when I thought of how great it would be to poll some baseball bloggers I know to see what they think. Here are the results. If you like it, please let us know in the comments and we’ll be sure […]

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