Book Review: Omar!

For Indians fans of the 1990’s there was no one who defined the era more than Omar Vizquel. The gregarious shortstop awed fans with his plays with the glove, earning him nine Gold Glove awards by the time he published his auto-biography with Bob Dyer of the Akron Beacon Journal. As the book title eludes, […]

Biking for Baseball to Camden Yards

  Biking for Baseball [] is a youth mentoring organization that is currently cycling 11,000 miles to each MLB stadium this summer to raise funds and awareness for youth mentoring programs across the country. One of the riders, Chase Higgins @chaser_racer32, blogs about baseball games they’ve been to and general MLB throughout the trip. Oriole […]

A Reflection on the Career of Alex Rodriguez to Date

I recently ran into this CNN feature from 1995 on Alex Rodriguez. If you think about it, they were making a pretty big deal about him – when was the last time a major news outlet did a feature on an up and coming teenage pro athlete? LeBron James is the only one I can […]

Vizquel, Thome Warrant One More Shot

The next time you see them together might be in Cooperstown. It was a nice gesture to have to Cleveland legends Omar Vizquel and Jim Thome bring the line-up cards out for their respective teams when the Chicago White Sox and Cleveland Indians squared off for the last time this season Thursday night in Cleveland. […]

Around The Horn in MLB News

Image by JudeanPeoplesFront via Flickr Here are a few links to the trades and signings this Hot Stove Season from teams who are either not currently covered here or haven’t been covered in a while…in alphabetical order and from the blogs currently on my blogroll. If you want to be added to my team blogrolls […]

America’s Pastime: The First 5 Innings

First Inning “You can’t go to a baseball game without peanuts,” my dad said as he took a huge scoop of the salted variety from a bin in the local grocery store. At five-years-old, I had never been to a baseball game before and the whole day had been about him telling me what has […]

Baseball Reflections on the Rangers

The Texas Rangers finished the 2008 season with a 79-83 record, finishing second in the AL West behind the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. During the season, the Rangers finished first in all offensive categories, while finishing last in all but one category in pitching. It is no secret the Rangers need to focus on […]

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