How to Throw a Curveball
Curveballs are great fun to throw, but they can also cause serious injuries to your arms. Because of this, it is not advised for young pitchers to pitch curveballs. Different people will tell you different ages that are appropriate to begin pitching curveballs, but the truth is that everybody is different. Players should not pitch […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: Are You Grounding Out Or Popping Up Too Often?
No matter how high or how low your batting average is, you should pay close attention to how your outs are being made. We improve by working on any baseball hitting weaknesses we have. Even if you are very efficient at baseball hitting, if most of your outs are either on pop ups or grounders, […]
Baseball Pitching Tips: You Absolutely Must Use Checkpoints!
Making good use of checkpoints is one of the best baseball pitching tips anyone will ever give you. Checkpoints are very simply mental reminders that a pitcher gives to himself before every pitch. They are something that will help any pitcher be the most effective! Usually, baseball pitchers have about three or four and they […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: Your Front Shoulder And Elbows Are Critical!
Let’s look at several important baseball tips on hitting involving the front shoulder and the elbows, particularly the back elbow. Your Front Shoulder: 1. It should go straight into the pitch and toward the pitcher and NOT fly open. 2. The front shoulder must be kept closed until the swing itself forces it to open. […]
Keeping It Simple – 4 Keys to Hitting and Pitching Success
I have been teaching baseball for a long time and feel like I could spend hours and hours discussing the fundamentals of the game. Along the same lines, I believe I could list well over 100 baseball drills. In addition, I wrote a two hundred-page book on all aspects of hitting and […]