The 2024 Louisville Slugger Nexus Fastpitch Bat is now available on Slugger.com Louisville Slugger’s lightest-swinging two-piece performance fastpitch bat. Listed price is $249.95 To purchase, click this link. Overview For young players looking to boost their game and revamp their approach in travel ball or high school play, the Louisville Slugger Nexus (-12) Fastpitch Bat […]

Wilson Memorial Day Sale

This Memorial Day Weekend, your friends at Wilson Sports are providing a 40% off sale on men’s and women’s sportswear! Sale ends on May 31st! Get Up To 40% Off Sportswear Collections at Wilson this Memorial Day! So save now on tops, jackets, shorts sweats and more this weekend. For our Baseball Fans… Seeing this […]

Baseball is a popular sport all around the world for a good reason

Baseball belongs in the group of the most popular sports. Obviously, it has long roots in the United States, and because of this, it’s incredibly famous there. The USA is not the only place where baseball is famous and popular. The excitement baseball creates is appreciated all around the world. There are many different reasons […]

Raising Your Child on Baseball (The Right Way)

Your child has just been handed their very first Little League uniform. The hand-stitched numbering and letters put a smile on their face. To them, the uniform represents a model of excitement and adventure. They are aware that it is only worn on special occasions; game day. As a parent, you are proud of your […]

A Guide to Owning a Piece of MLB History

The baseball memorabilia industry is a billion dollar global market that offers fans a way to collect their memories through the purchase of autographed baseballs, jerseys, bats, photos, and more. Fans can not only own a piece of history that makes for an emotionally valuable family heirloom, it also allows fans to connect with childhood […]

Akadema Clearance Sale: Catcher’s Mitt made in the USA

Akadema’s Patriot Glove Series Made in the USA In August of 2008 Akadema did what few American companies have done in recent years. They brought manufacturing home by creating the Patriot glove series, a line of baseball gloves assembled in the United States. Since the 1950’s the American baseball glove manufacturing industry has shrunk from […]

Hey Get A Grip Will You?

Whenever possible, try to grip the ball with four seams before throwing the baseball to one of your teammates. It’s one of the most important baseball fielding tips that unfortunately, very few focus on. You want the closed part of the horseshoe formed by the seams on the baseball to be either facing inside toward […]

Getting into “The Game”

My name is Pam Dawkins, known fondly as daughter number five, out of six…..daughters, to Bill and Elsie Reay.  As we grew up, Baseball was always a major part of our lives as dad played and coached for the Richmond Tigers, Dandenong Lions and then Springvale Lions Baseball Clubs.  The Reay family were a baseball […]

The Soft Toss Drill Is Fabulous If You Use It Properly!

The baseball hitting benefits of the soft toss drill are incredible but this drill must be done properly. The soft toss drill is one of the best baseball coaching drills around and please don’t ever sell it short. It is a great time saver to break a bad habit, get into a good habit or […]

Valuable Insights for Winning a Baseball Game

\Building a formidable baseball team to give your opponents nightmares on the field requires adhering to certain proven steps. Easy steps to win a baseball game A.) B uild a strategic team with competent players: The coach should exercise due diligence to work out the team composition and must essentially include:. An awesome hitter. A […]

NYC Men’s Senior Baseball League

LONG ISLAND BASEBALL LEAGUE: Life after work, fun and teamwork! By Ismael Nunez Here’s there’re contact information: Website: www.facebook.com/nycmsbl. Email [email protected] and phone number 347-906-4181 and their address: 213-37 39th Avenue-Unit 250, Bayside, New York 11361, now the name of the organization? Men’s Senior and Men’s Adult Baseball Leagues! Recognized as the largest adult recreation Baseball Organization with close to 50,000 members world […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: You Better Be Moving Your Head!

It is very important to make sure your head is turned and facing the pitcher to ensure that you get a good view of the pitch that will soon follow. Your head should be totally relaxed and pretend that you are simply watching TV. Make sure both the front shoulder and arm are completely out […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: Are You Grounding Out Or Popping Up Too Often?

No matter how high or how low your batting average is, you should pay close attention to how your outs are being made. We improve by working on any baseball hitting weaknesses we have. Even if you are very efficient at baseball hitting, if most of your outs are either on pop ups or grounders, […]

Baseball Pitching Tips On The Intimidation Factor!

There is no reason on earth why a pitcher should ever be intimidated by any batter! I don’t care how good or how great a baseball hitter he is. I totally respect any baseball hitter, whether they are an excellent baseball hitter or a weak hitter. But let’s remember a few things. Even the great […]

Fielding Practice Is For Pitchers Too!

Always remember that as a baseball pitcher, once you throw the baseball to the plate you become a defensive player like everyone else. One of the best baseball pitching tips has nothing to do with baseball pitching at all. It’s that you should set aside some time and practice your baseball fielding as well and […]

Catching science: The mind behind the mask

Editor’s note (SABR editor): This article was first published in the APS Observer Vol. 25, No. 4, in April 2012 and is reprinted at SABR.org with permission of the authors. BR Editor’s Note: This is being republished with permission from the authors. By James R. Arkin and Robert M. Arkin Home plate was round, something like […]

Being Ahead In The Count Is Critical For You!

The ability of a baseball hitter to get the count in his favor will very often determine how much success he has. With counts of 2-0 or 3-1, there isn’t any such thing as a mediocre swing, late swing, weak swing or check swing at a pitch. The batter should have the buttons on his […]

Fantasy Baseball Stretch Drive: Rookies or Veterans?

Call it boring if you will, but when it comes to fantasy baseball, slow and steady wins the race. There is no better time of the year for me to put this theory into practise than down the stretch. As fantasy owners start to gear up for the final month, which in many leagues represent […]

How To Overcome A Fear Of The Baseball

First of all, please realize that if you have a fear of the baseball, you are not alone. Just the opposite is true. In fact, almost all baseball hitters at every level have a fear of the baseball to one extent or the other. True, the amount of fear does vary significantly. You may have […]

First Up: Fantasy Baseball First Basemen for the Stretch Drive

First base can be a critical position in fantasy baseball. All fantasy owners want to have that big bopping first sacker who will drill 40 home runs and pile up the run production numbers. However, in deep leagues or even shallow leagues with corner infield and utility spots, the good first basemen will all be […]

Book Review: Stillpower

Why does everything worth anything have to be so unbelievably hard to achieve? Well, according to Garret Kramer in his new book, Stillpower: Excellence with Ease in Sports and Life , the goal one wants to achieve may only seem hard because that is how the person chooses to perceive it. Now, one could clearly […]

Eight Baseball Hitting Tips For Your Success!

Here is a list of eight very good baseball tips on hitting that are highly recommended to help you be successful. 1. A Balanced And Workable Stance. All good athletes are balanced almost all the time no matter what sport we are talking about. It gives you a solid, comfortable foundation, which is where baseball hitting […]

A Totally Bizarre Way To Raise Your Batting Average!

If you are struggling at the plate, what you should attempt to do is to hit every pitch at the pitcher‘s belt buckle. And no, I haven’t lost my mind and I resent that you’re thinking that I’ve lost it. Try to do this on every pitch, no matter what type of pitch it is […]

Field as a team, win as a team

Baseball is definitely a sport that requires an entire team to win a ball game. That’s why practice is so important. If you can learn to practice as a team, then you will want to play as a team as well.  When it comes to fielding in baseball, everybody has to be at the right […]

The Number One Baseball Hitting Problem On Earth!

A “quick hip” is when the front hip opens a fraction of a second early. It is a very common baseball hitting problem and a very serious one for many hitters at all levels of play. The swing itself should force the front hip open. If the hip opens a fraction of a second too […]

No Glove Fielding Drill In Little League Baseball

  Growing up playing baseball, I always loved the infield. I started out playing shortstop and then ultimately ended up playing second base. I loved fielding grounders. It was my favorite part about practice and come game time, it was always exciting to have a grounder come my way. Sometimes though, as I think everybody […]

Baseball Pitching Tips: How To Back Up Bases Properly Saves Ballgames!

Way too often, backing up bases gets to complex and very confusing for a pitcher and it should not be. An errant throw can often determine the outcome of a baseball game. Baseball pitching tips should include teaching pitchers which base they should back up and how to properly back up the base. Once again, […]

Baseball Pitching Tips: How You Will Benefit By Being Unpredictable!

Let’s switch sports to football, but just for a second. I thoroughly enjoy it when a quarterback throws a “bomb” for a touchdown on first down. The reason for the successful “bomb” is usually that it was unpredictable and most likely the defense was looking for a running play. I think you know where we’re […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: Your Baseball Hitting Style Belongs To You Only!

Your baseball hitting style is what you do at the plate before you swing the bat and baseball hitting mechanics are what you do when you are actually swinging the bat. If a coach wants to help you improve your baseball hitting mechanics, that’s one thing. But your very personal hitting style is an entirely […]

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