Baseball Reflections

A Review of Positional Hitting by Jaime Cevallos

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If used correctly, Jaime Cevallos’ book, “Positional Hitting: The Modern Approach to Analyzing and Training Your Baseball Swing”, could revolutionize the way players approach hitting and improve their swing mechanics. In my opinion, this book is a modern transition from Ted William’s book “The Science of Hitting”. In fact, the author told me that Positional Hitting was a cross between “The Science of Hitting” and Michael Lewis’Moneyball”. Mr. Cevallos contacted me personally to ask me to write this review, and I’m glad he did! This book features his CSR formula for measuring swing mechanics by improving your Area of Impact (AOI) and the 7 key hitting positions: The Fall, The Cushion & Secondary Cushion, The Slot, The Impact, The Delivery, The Finish, and The Guard. These positions help improve pitch selection, power output, balance and more. To accomplish this method, one needs to adopt a dedication to video analysis. A player must also be able to avoid being affected by a poor performance during a game, and instead commit to working on in-game deficiencies during video practice sessions.

Jamie Cevallos developed and used this method personally at first while at college where in one year, he increased his OPS (On Base Plus Slugging Percentage) from .488 to .989, which earned him an athletic scholarship. He also points out hitting myths and misconceptions that have been commonly taught over the years. He is credited with revamping the swing of Ray’s Ben Zobrist prior to his 2009 MVP season and other professional players and is a popular speaker at baseball camps and conventions across the country. You can find his hitting aid product, tips, etc. at his site, “The Swing Mechanic” which can be found in the list of links below…

This book is right up my alley. It is the sort of thing I’d want to use if I were a High School player today. It is ideal for use by coaches of competitive travel teams, week-long baseball camps, college coaches and even in professional baseball. Basically, it is for anyone who wants a method for improving hitting. If I ever fulfill my dream of coaching baseball, Positional Hitting will be my method of choice!

Jaime Cevallos
AuthorPositional Hitting
InventorThe MP30 Training Bat
TwitterJamie Cevallos

“Jaime Cevallos isn’t normal.  Ever since he was a kid, when his classmates were off to prom or driving to house parties hooting and hollering, he was in his front yard hitting baseballs through a tire hung from a tree branch.  He took notes, made changes, and took more notes.  Now Major League Baseball players pay him to look at those notes…”

The Four Hour Body, Tim Ferriss

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