SABR Day 2011

So, some of you may already be planning to attend your local SABR Day event, others may want to, but have prior engagements that they cannot break, while even others are (right now) asking just what in the world is SABR anyway?! No, it is not a group of sabermetricians; although that’s what I mistakenly thought it was at first, too. Well, SABR stands for the Society of American Baseball Research. That then leads to the next logical question…if it’s not a group of sabermetricians, then what do they do? To answer that question, please follow this link to the SABR About page on their site.

Fenway Park exterior.
Image via Wikipedia

Being from the Boston area, the event I’m attending will be kicked off with a winterized (it’s snowed a lot up here) tour of Fenway Park in Boston, MA. Possibly followed by some catch on hallowed ground, the onto a gathering with speakers (I have heard rumors of a certain Red Sox Hall of Famer being one of them) at the nearby Bleacher Bar.

This is my first time at a SABR Day event and I just so happen to have my brand new HTC Incredible to provide pictures and maybe even some video of the goings on in Boston! I’ll be playing catch (hopefully, weather permitting) with my new PM Custom Glove (an official review will follow within the next month) pictured to the right.

Here is a link to the events going on today in America & in Canada, the UK & Puerto Rico, too!

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