Here’s a quick, pre-spring training, WWII video highlighting famous MLB players who gave up years of their baseball career in order to serve their beloved country in a time of war!
Let’s remember them by adding any war stories of them that you have either heard of or know from first hand experience, in the comments below or a 30 second Blurt (see the button near the submit comment button).
4 Responses
Fantastic video.
You’ll find lots of information on baseball players who served with the military during WWII at the website. I recommend you take a moment to read the biographies of over 130 minor league players (and two major leaguers) who lost their lives while in the armed forces. You’ll find these biographies here
Gary Bedingfield
Baseball in Wartime (Founder and Editor)
Author of “Baseball’s Dead of World War II”
Email: [email protected]
Thanks Gary & great site! I’ve been there before & love it! For those of you that haven’t been there yet, you have got to check it out, you won’t be sorry!