First Annual Baseball Reflections Pledge Drive: Update

We’ve added some perks to the pledge drive today. Actually, we forgot to mention this in the kickoff article a week ago! Sorry about that! All previous pledges will count towards these added bonuses.

For every $30 donation you are free to choose an item, under $6.00 from our line of Baseball Reflections merchandise which can be seen at the link provided.

For every $50 donation you are free to choose an item, under $15.00 from our line of Baseball Reflections merchandise.

For every $75 donation you are free to choose an item, under $20.00 from our line of Baseball Reflections merchandise.

For every $100 donation you are free to choose an item, under $25.00 from our line of Baseball Reflections merchandise.

For every $125 donation you are free to choose an item, under $30.00 from our line of Baseball Reflections merchandise.

For every $150 donation you are free to choose an item, under $40.00 from our line of Baseball Reflections merchandise.

For every $175 donation you are free to choose an item, under $50.00 from our line of Baseball Reflections merchandise.

And finally, for every $200 donation we will add your name to our sidebar for 1 year as a Patron of Baseball Reflections (along with a Baseball Reflections Sweatshirt or hoodie).

If you have any questions about the pledge drive or this post, please don’t hesitate to ask me at [email protected]!

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