A Review of Hawk’s Nest Publishing’s Red Sox Coloring & Activity Book

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Once I connected with the artist behind these books (on the Red Sox and other MLB teams), Peg Connery-Boyd, on LinkedIn I asked to do a review of them here on Baseball Reflections not only did she say YES, but when she found out I had a few kids (six to be exact) she sent us three!

Most of my kids (four girls and two boys) are baseball fans so this was a special treat! We use one as a master copy (for the coloring pages and to reduce the arguments over who gets to color which pages) and the other two were given to my eight and ten year olds (the artists in the family who also like the activities, too).

By the way Peg, before I forget, thank you; the kids love them!

The favorite pages of my kids are the coloring pages (which were a big hit, pun intended, sorry), the connect the dots and the word searches! Also included are a maze page, crossword puzzles, trivia pages (including a match the player to their country, a nicknames match and a match the retired numbers to the players they were retired for page), a name scramble and the Red Sox active roster as of April 5, 2009.

To see what else is available through Hawk’s Nest Publishing, LLC please follow the previous link to their site. They have books for 5 other MLB teams and even one for the US Open Tennis.

Update: Here are some of the comments from my kids about what they liked about this Red Sox coloring and activity book…

4 year old son – liked coloring his favorite player Bustin’ (he can’t say Dustin for some reason) Pedroia

6 year old daughter – her favorite was also coloring player pages & her favorite was Dustin Pedroia (do you see a trend here?)

8 year old son – liked the word searches saying, “They were NOT too easy, but hard. Not a bad hard, but challenging”. His favorite coloring page was Wally The Green Monster because he was “cool”. Overall he liked the book because he said it “keeps me busy when I’m bored”!

10 year old daughter (the artist in the family) – her favorite part of the book was the challenging pictures to color. She thought they were challenging because of the detail put into each picture! Her favorite coloring page was Big Papi, David Ortiz. She thought it was “cool how they captured how he points up” to God after hitting a home run. She also thought the crosswords were “tricky, but fun”!

Editor’s note: The edition sent to Baseball Reflections was the Red Sox 3rd. Edition, Collectible. These publications are approved by the MLBPA and the Players Choice.

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