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Boston’s WEEI/NESN Jimmy Fund Telethon to Fight Cancer
- Updated: August 14, 2008
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WEEI/NESN Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon
Join me in raising the awareness to the wonderful work of The Jimmy Fund, the Boston Red Sox official charity for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The Jimmy Fund was founded in 1948 and made popular by the generosity and support of the late great Red Sox LF Ted Williams.
To learn more about The Jimmy Fund, click HERE. The main page for The Jimmy Fund can be found HERE.
This is Boston Sports Radio station WEEI’s 7th annual event for The Jimmy Fund. Back in 2003 NESN (New England Sports Network), a cable TV station which is owned by the Red Sox, joined in the telethon to televise the event and has done so ever since. This telethon has become a two day event and they hope to reach the $4M goal they set for themselves after collecting $3.74M last year and over $12M in the past 6 years.
To spread the word, please fill out the form at this link (click HERE), to e-mail a friend about this important two day fund raising event!
WEEI/NESN Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon
For more details about WEEI/NESN Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon, please check out the following two links:
http://www.jimmyfund.org/eve/event/redsox-radio-telethon/default.html http://www.kintera.org/faf/home/ccp.asp?ievent=275067&ccp=80886
For a listing of the events for these two days, please check out the event’s page on NESN, HERE.
Last, but definitely NOT least, to make a donation, see below.
Make a Donation Here
Make a donation by clicking on the link, HERE.