Y Athlete… Assisting and Empowering Todays Athletes
The one thing that separates the successful athletes who reach their highest potential level from those who don’t are the ones who lack focus. Focus defined is the concentration of attention or energy on something: i.e. a goal. As an athlete looking to make it in their respective sport, whether its high school, collegiate, professional or Olympic level, having a focused and clear goal oriented mind set is what will propel the athlete towards success.
The Y Athlete teaches athletes to have a purpose for anything and everything they do: for this very reason the ‘Y’ in Y Athlete www.YAthlete.com stands for the word ‘why’ itself.
The idea behind the Y Athlete is to teach the drive behind your actions!
What is your drive? What’s makes you fire on all cylinders everyday? What excites you so much, that IT would make you jump out of bed a 5:30am in the morning so you can get a run or lift in before the busy day that lies ahead? What is IT that when you run into an unfavorable situation, the IT will help you battle through the adversity with the right attitude? Have you ever thought hard into Y you do the things you do? Y do you eat what you eat? Y you listen to what you listen to or Y you hang around the people you do? There are answers to all of these questions, but are they truly the most power answers or are they just answers that you think the person asking wants to hear. Most of the time we are making decisions to the things we do without ever asking the question. Are these actions or decisions that I am about to make going to take me closer to my goals or lead me astray from my goals?
What is your ultimate Y? Right now instead of looking at your whole life and asking Y to everything I am asking you to focus on the question, Y do you play sports? What are you looking to accomplish through your participation in sports? Are you looking to receive a collegiate athletic scholarship? Maybe you would like to participate at international competitions for your country, which in turn may just earn you a future spot on your country’s Olympic team. What about the possibility of playing a sport at the professional level? One great goal may be that you love to participate in games with your teammates and friends which is a very nice goal. But I am here to talk with the serious minded athletes. The athletes looking at being the best they can possibly be.
Maybe you have never even thought about this question before and I know there are others that may already have planned out a purpose filled course in order to attain whatever it is they are seeking. There are a lot of roads out there to take to your final destination, some are thruways and while others may be filled with bunches of red lights. Also remember there are some roads that will drive you up to the front door of your destination while others may take you down a rough, bumpy road that leads to a dead end. Imagine putting in all those hours and years of hard work, commitment and discipline in only to find yourself knocking on the wrong door or no door at all. One thing is for sure and that is while working towards your goal there is definitely not a lot of room for making the wrong decisions. There is no replay button you can hit and go back to fix the wrong turns you may have made. So let’s get you started out in the right direction and minimize the wrong turns or detours you may make. John Wooden once stated “The most important key to achieving great success is to decide upon your goal and launch, get started, take action ” Let your actions do your talking!
So how do you go about setting goals and getting the support you need to reach them? We believe it all starts with your Ultimate Goal, The Y you play. Take some time to think about your reason behind your game. From there, athletes can begin to decide upon what we call Season Goals. Whatever point you’re at today, you can figure out and decide what do I want to accomplish right now that will take me to my ultimate goal? And what actions do I need to perform to get there. Setting goals may be challenging at first, but once you get in the habit of doing it they can definitely become fun and inspiring. We encourage athletes to remember it isn’t just about where you want to be in your sport, it is what you do to get where you want to be. Which is why daily evaluation on the actions your taking to reach your goals becomes so important. Have you ever thought about the level you perform at as far as your nutrition? Your rest? Your work ethic? The Y Athlete empowers athletes to be both accountable and responsible for the athlete they want to become. And daily evaluation enables an athlete to experience and feel process success and not just outcome success. By placing you the athlete at the forefront of decision-making, the Y Athlete makes the athlete the catalyzing force in the process of improving.
To learn more about how you can implement goal setting and how we can assist you with your self evaluation check out The Y Tool www.YAthlete.com/tool/landing The Y tool has the unique ability to allow an athlete to consider, reflect and track progress in ways that extend far beyond “number of reps”. For those athletes that are willing to accept the responsibility and accountability and become an active part in the process of getting to where they want to “be” as an athlete, becoming a Y Athlete will be an empowering and wonderful experience.
In an acceptance of responsibility comes awareness and respect that don’t only make someone a better athlete, but a better person as well.
Choose Your Journey, Make It Happen!
Y Athlete