A Glove of Their Own: A Book Review

A Glove of Their OwnIf you think that youth baseball today has gotten too competitive and structured with All Star Leagues and travel teams, allow me to bring you back to a simpler time. Have any of you ever played just for the fun of the game in a non-league setting? Do you remember playing pick-up games with less than two full teams and having to create new rules to compensate or having to play in either a sandlot or a plain field? If you have, you probably also relate to the storyline illustrated throughout this book.

A Glove of Their Own is a story of friends getting together on a regular basis to play for the love of the game. It’s a story of playing with what you have readily available even if it means sharing gloves, if you had a glove at all, and being thankful just for that! It’s also a reminder of what baseball is all about: teamwork, fair play and the thrill of the game.

A Glove of Their Own PageFind out the sweet reward the kids in this story receive for keeping the heart of the game alive by purchasing this instant classic! This large hardcover childrens book is beautifully illustrated and authored by three ladies from the North Jersey Shore. It was written in a poetic rhyme that works in both engaging the reader while not compromising the story.

All proceeds, depending on where you buy it, benefit such charities as Pitch In for Baseball, Good Sports and sponsored by former MLB players Sean Casey, Craig Biggio, Dick Drago, Jack Perconte and others.

Your charity can join these by contacting Coach Bob Salomon and agreeing to Pay It Forward for this great cause. I have!

Here’s a list of some stories and articles that may interest you about this great book:

A Glove of Their Own to Warm IOC Committee’s Hearts?

You Tube Video

On Jimmy Scotts High & Tight

Children’s book hits home run with baseball greats

Book Em: Baseball Books for the Young and Old at Heart

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4 Responses

  1. Sounds like the good ol’ days to me! Although tennis was my game, I remember how simple it was when we played solely for the love of the game, making up the rules when we had more players than court space or an odd man out. This book sounds like one I would like to add to my personal collection.
    .-= WhitU4ever´s last blog ..These were the good ol’ days! =-.

    1. I remember these days too, but I had moments like this in street hockey, whiffleball, baseball and even as a HS/college age athlete in pick up games, etc.

      By the way, that’s for the comment (again)!

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