A rant on season tickets from a REAL Giants fan

A guest post by Becky Wilcox

As a San Francisco Giants fan located in the East Bay Area, (Hayward, Calif. to be exact) I’d like to say that I’m proud of the two-time world champions – even if their record is 50 wins and 63 losses. Things happen. Teams don’t always win. But real fans keep supporting their team. My season tickets allow me – a real fan – to do that.

No, I don’t attend every single Giants game in the United States. I just attend the home games when they’re located here in the Bay Area at AT&T Park.

Many people don’t appreciate the fact that I – and 29,250 other die-hard fans – are willing to spend at least $1,150 dollars for 81 home games in The City. Even Congressman Nancy Pelosi is a season ticket holder for the Giants. But why not? The way I see it, most consumers spend most of their money on frivolous purchases anyway. Most people don’t budget their money and are in debt. Most people don’t even waste their money on things they enjoy.

To me, watching the Giants play is a hobby, a past-time and tradition that’s lasted with me since my parents brought me to season games when I was a little 5 year-old Giants fan.

In 2013, I spent $2,500 for season tickets in a view box. Depending on the game and opposing team, prices will fluctuate from $40 to $80 to watch a single Giants game in a view box. If I bought every single ticket by themselves, it would add up to at least $3240 – $6480 ($40/$80 multiplied by 81 games).

$2,500 sounds a lot better, doesn’t it? How do I afford it? I used my Capital One® Quicksilver® Cash Rewards Credit Card from NerdWallet – which offers a full 1.5% cash back on all purchases. The cash back rewards are ongoing, so I use that card for the majority of my purchases and reap the reward as a lump sum in a gift card at the end of the year. Not only does it increase my credit score, but using the card to buy the season ticket package allows me to receive some of the money back.

Now, it’s still the second half of the 2013 season for the Giants. Although the last five weeks of the Giants’ season haven’t been so great to us loyal fans, we still hold the World Series Championships. The Giants have lost starting pitcher Ryan Vogelsong, centerfielder Angel Pagan, reliever Santiago Casilla, and infielders Pablo Sandoval and Marco Scutaro at different times due to injuries. However, if the Giants can pull it together and have some clutch games during the second half of the season, then there is hope. Real fans don’t give up on their teams.

So yes, you will see me at hella more San Francisco Giants games in The City. I take care of business. I worked for my money and I’ve budgeted cleanly in order to only use my credit card and pay it off immediately. I’ve kept my tradition alive in the sun, rain and wind. I, as a real Giants fan, deserve to see the Giants play the rest of their season with pride. Win or lose, I will always have my team’s back and support them throughout their seasons. Because in my eyes, the San Francisco Giants will always be a World Series Championship team.

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