Baseball Reflections

Baseball Links Exchange

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This week I’d like to introduce to you a unique baseball blog called Jimmy Scott’s High & Tight. This is a fictional bog done by a man by the name of David Philp. On the site, he portrays Jimmy Scott, a fictional former star baseball player nearing the end of his career and trying to figure out what he’s going to do with the rest of his life. So he interviews ex-MLB players and uploads them as audio files on the site.

Here’s a list of some of the players that Dave, I mean “Jimmy“, has interviewed: former Expos and Red Sox GM Dan Duqette, former pitchers Bill “Spaceman” Lee, Tommy John. Other former players include Sal Bando, Brian McRae, Brian Jordan, Mickey Morandini, Hal Lanier, Dave Cash, and Richie Hebner. He also interviewed the “Baseball Astrologer,” Kym Byrd
(Red Sox pitcher Paul Byrd‘s wife), Ron Blomberg, John Fitzgerald (director of “Playing For Peanuts“), the agent/marketing exec. Steve Fortunato (handles A-Rod, Johnny Damon, Ken Griffey Jr.) and more.

Dave Philip also writes weekly columns as Jimmy Scott for Gotham Baseball Magazine and NY Sports Day.

You can go here to check it out:

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