Around the Horn in the MLB

The modern MLB logo was first used in 1969.
Image via Wikipedia

The Current State of the Playoff Picture

Last week saw the first team clinch not only a playoff spot, but their division as well. For those of you who missed their celebration, here’s some video of it…

The second team to clinch both a playoff spot and their division was the Texas Rangers. Here’s a look at the Rangers last out of their clinching game and the on-field celebration that followed!

As for the AL East, that’s still neck and neck between the Rays and the Yankees (the Rays are up by a half game). The looser will most likely (the Red Sox playoff elimination magic number is down to 1) become the AL Wild Card winner.

In the NL the Phillies have already clinched a playoff spot and it’s only a matter of time before they clinch the division (seeing they’re up 6 games on the Braves), too.

In the NL Central, the Reds are 6.5 games ahead of the Cardinals and in the NL West, like the AL East, the Giants have a half game lead over the Padres. Seeing that these two teams play in the last series of the season against each other, this might go down to the VERY last game.

As of right now the Braves and the Padres are ties in wins with 87, but the Braves have one more loss 69 than the Padres do with 68. So the NL Wild Card is also still up for grabs and may go down to the wire as well!

This has got to be one of the best finishes to the MLB season than we have seen in a while with all of these tight races.

Other News

In other news from around the game, on Friday, September 24th in SanDiego, Reds pitcher Aroldis Chapman recorded the fasted pitch ever in an MLB game when he hit 105 mph against OF Tony Gwynn, Jr. of the Padres. In Chapman’s outing he was recorded throwing 102 mph on average in his brief relief appearance. He only managed to hit 95 mph in his next outing (over the weekend). Here’s the video of that pitch…

And finally, back on Thursday, September 23rd, Mariners OF Ichiro Suzuki reached the 200 hit mark in a single season for the 10th straight year. A feat that no one has ever done before! All time hits leader Pete Rose also has 10 seasons with 200 hits, but they were not in consecutive seasons like Ichiro! Here’s a neat tribute video of those 10 hits…

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