My Interview with Felt Tip Pen Illustrator Extraordinaire Neal Portnoy

I met Neal at Boston Sports Blogapalooza II at the Baseball Tavern in November of 2010 and was fascinated by his work. I have since, with his permission, used one of his illustrations in an article written on the late, great Jackie Robinson. It can be found at the bottom of the article if you follow this link.  You will find a few of his other baseball illustrations throughout this interview (courtesy of “The Magic Marker Magician” Neal Portnoy).

Baseball Reflections (BR): How did you get started drawing (professionally, not just as a kid) with markers (as an illustrator) and what is your connection with sports, especially with baseball (this is a baseball site after all)?


Neal Portnoy (NP): I got started in this industry after an injury derailed my hopes of playing professional baseball.  I was a scholarship pitcher at UMiami a number of years ago, but never had the opportunity to further my education or baseball talents due to a family illness.  Years ago, the Sports Information Director at Assumption College in Worcester, Ma Steve Morris, got me involved with doing MVP awards for local College athletes which in turn led to me becoming a member of CoSida ( College Sports Information Directors Of America).  From there, I enhanced my abilities as a sports artist by illustrating everything from Media Guide covers to Senior and Hall Of Fame award portraits for schools nationwide.  The marker or felt tip pen medium, became a comfortable medium for me to illustrate with for a number of reasons.  One, I have a great “feel” for pens, (put a brush in my hands and I’m useless), Two, I could work quickly, not having to wait for the markers to dry.  Again, I’m very unique in the industry, simply because markers or felt tip pens are generally used in building renderings or ad layouts….not portrait illustration.  My connection with baseball goes back to my childhood days as a player working up the ranks to play D1 baseball at Miami.  I currently am a pitching coach at Worcester State University, and have worked with athletes for over 30 years!














BR: Have you ever gotten to see the reaction of one of your subjects to your illustrations of them and have you ever been contacted by a player or celebrity wanting you to draw them?


NP: I work with a lot of professional athletes, illustrating their images in a number of creative outlets.  Usually the art is reproduced and funds their charities thru the sale of the lithograph.  I am huge into baseball and especially if it benefits kids!


BR: How long does it usually take you to draw one of your sports-themed illustrations?


NP: The finished art all done from photographic reference can take upwards to two weeks to complete depending on the complexity of the finished piece.  An 11×14 illustration can be done in hours where as a 16×20 or 18×24 finished work of art can very time consuming.


BR: Do you have a favorite drawing or one that gave you the most satisfaction to complete?


NP: My most favorite completed piece would be the one of Jason Varitek.  The original is 16×20 and is a multiple image rendering.  He has never seen the original drawing.  I hope when his retirement day comes, the Red Sox would want to purchase the original and mount it on walnut with an engraved plate for presentation to “the captain”.

BR: What have you been able to accomplish with your artwork?


NP: With over 39 years of illustrating the nation’s top college and pro players, I have had numerous accomplishments in the industry…my most proud accomplishment would be the original I was commissioned to do as a retirement piece for Ted Williams.  He took the time to personally sign a print to me from him thanking me for what I did. The original was presented to him at an event at the Wang Center in Boston titled “An Evening with #9 and Friends”.  I currently illustrate a number of College Athletic Hall Of Fames nationwide, as well as being the official artist of many organizations honoring sports celebrities.


BR: What would you like to do with it moving forward?


NP: Moving forward, I’d like to be able to utilize my artistic talents in generating funds that ultimately raise monies for Children’s Charities worldwide.  People come here to my art studio, expecting to be here for 10-15 minutes….I find myself “kicking them out two hour later.  There are so many of my original on the walls here, people are amazed at all I’ve done….I am as well, with over 300 Media Guide covers, featured articles, Signed memorabilia, This place is a museum!
















BR: How can someone purchase one (or more…hint, hint) of your illustrations? What options are available (packaging, framing, sizes, etc.)?


NP: All of my originals as well as prints are available for sale here at my studio or on my web site  Sizes vary from 11×14 to mural size reproductions, all priced separately for each request.


BR: Do you do any live events?


NP: I perform nationwide at a number of private and corporate events, doing “live” caricatures.  Known in the corporate world as an entertainer with a quick wit and a sleight of hand, I have entertained at corporate functions and at trade shows for hundreds of corporations nationwide including Citizens Bank, Iron Mountain Incorporated, Hanover Insurance, Liberty Mutual, Reebok-Adidas-Taylor Made, Starter, United Healthcare and ESPN-ABC-Disney.


In closing, I would like to thank Neal for his time, both back last November (2010) and recently in conducting this interview!

I highly recommend to anyone who reads this to consider buying a loved one, who just so happens to be a sports fan (although, sports personalities are not all Neal draws), one (or more) of Neal’s illustrations you’re their mantle this holiday season (Christmas, Hanukkah, etc.). It will be unique, thoughtful & cherished…and be sure to get it framed. Neal does that, too!

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