Women at Play: The Story of Women in Baseball consists of original newspaper articles written between 1875 and 1935. Most of the articles are quoted in their entirety and some are summarized. These are a portion of the research notes from which the author wrote back in 1992.
You can find a copy of this great reference book in eoither paperback or for your Kindle be following the image link provided to the right.
For thos of you who are fans of the popular movie “A League of Their Own“, this book should be a treasure to behold that will provide the reader into greater insight into the woman’s game during the war and it’s developement prior to that age.
As an aside, we will soon have a writer who will be covering the current woman’s game of baseball on a monthly basis with the first article coming soon (probably in early December) after Thanksgiving!
It is the author’s hope that this writing become a research tool for baseball historians and high school eanglish teachers alike!