You may want to start taking an interest in baseball. This could be because your child enjoys it, your friends frequently talk about it, or something has otherwise gotten your attention. Learning about the basics of the sport, and how it is played, could be a good first step towards becoming a fan. This could also help you to better navigate conversations with those who already know a lot about the sport.
Learn when games are played
Your friends may be more excited at certain times of the year than others. This may be because it is about to be baseball season in New York and throughout the rest of the country. They may be interested in getting tickets to some of the most talked about games, or even placing bets on who they think may come out on top. Due to this, you might want to consider doing some research on when baseball season is, as well as how long it lasts. This could enable you to figure out when you might need to have some knowledge by. On top of this, attending a live game could also be a great way for you to learn more, as well as to spend time with your friends. You may even find that you enjoy watching so much that you’d like to go to future games, or attempt to play yourself.
Investigate the history
While baseball may be incredibly popular throughout the United States, its history may be shorter than you realize. It is commonly believed that baseball was first invented in the early 1800s, however, this may be untrue. Instead, it could date back to games played in the 18th century. These may have seemed similar to rounders and cricket, which came from England. Looking up the history of the sport can allow you to see how it first began, as well as the changes put into place over the years. This may help you to understand why some rules exist, and how the game may manage to bring people from all walks of life together.
Learn the language
As with many sports, there may be different types of terminology used for equipment, moves, or even foul play. Until you are more familiar with what is going on, these may seem somewhat foreign to you. Therefore, it could be a good idea to look up some of the most common baseball terminology, so that you can understand more about any games you see, or even get basic references that those around you make. When you can tell the difference between your pinch hitters and pinch runners this may be a sign that you have absorbed some of that knowledge. You may even find yourself using some of these terms within your own discussions once you become more confident in their meanings.
Baseball may be one of the more popular sports across the country. However, that doesn’t mean everyone knows much about it. Educating yourself, even as an adult, can help you to discover a fun, new hobby for yourself.