Valuable Off-Season Baseball Tips Parents and Players should Consider

1.       With the Holidays coming, it is a good time to assess your child’s baseball equipment for next season. Do they need a new bat, glove, etc…? If yes, do some research so that you have a good idea exactly what brand, size bat they need and desire – remember once used, gear is not returnable, so getting it right can save you later.

2.       A batting Tee with a net or tarp to hang in the basement or garage is a must for the serious ballplayer’s preseason and in-season hitting practice.

3.       Attending a Holiday or winter baseball program is a good start for the upcoming baseball season, or at least as a refresher training, so there is isn’t a huge break before next season.

4.       Watch a baseball movie or two on snowy winter evenings. A good way to feel warmer and remind you that spring training is right around the corner.

5.       Begin planning your preseason baseball workouts with a day-by-day or week- to-week written schedule and follow the schedule the best you can. Plan on at least a day or two a week of baseball training beginning 6 weeks before the first day of practice or tryouts.

6.       New Year’s Baseball Resolution – kids should do at least one thing each day to prepare for the upcoming season – even just 5 minutes per day is good – things like squeezing a rubber ball, 10 pushups, etc. are good.


Remember, “Doing something right and doing something “almost right” is the difference between success and failure.” (Author unknown) With that in mind, it is always a good idea to “catch” up on your baseball instructional manuals for new ideas and new drills to keep practices vital, challenging, and fun.

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