Spectator’s Guide to Making Every Game a Great Game

The hiss of fastballs, the crack of a wooden bat, and the raucous cheer of a crowd. It can only mean one thing — baseball season. Regular spectators will already have their seats picked out, pre-match routine set in place, and lucky hat firmly pulled over their brows. But maybe it’s been a while since you last went to the game (or maybe it’s your first time!) — so, here’s a quick guide to making sure every game you go to this season is a great one.

What to Wear

Going to a baseball game gives you a unique chance to try out new styles, and dressing in the appropriate clothing can make all the difference. Here’s a quick run-down of what to wear at the game.

Dress for the Weather

Baseball season usually runs from March to October. Depending on the state you’re in, that means you’ll likely experience three full seasons while at the games this year. To make sure you can enjoy every inning, plan ahead and pack a rain poncho for spring/fall games and apply plenty of sunscreen during the summer months — there’s nothing worse than getting soaked to the core or burnt to a crisp at a game.   

This is particularly important as, in recent years, the pace of play at MLB games has deteriorated. Last year, the average game took three hours and 10 minutes — that’s nearly thirty minutes longer than it was 40 years ago. Until the league does something about slow play, it’s up to you to dress appropriately to make the experience as comfortable as possible.

Dress to Impress

Even if you don’t enjoy baseball, you can still turn the event into a meaningful day by choosing a style that wouldn’t usually exist in your wardrobe.

When dressing for a baseball game, you can blend classic fashion tips with baseball shirts and caps. The best route is to choose well-fitted but plain pants with an oversized baseball shirt. If it’s cold, you can usually slip a single-color hoodie under the jersey for a nice blend of color. You don’t have to break the bank either — you should be able to find a nice retro baseball jersey in a thrift store.

Baseball games also give you a great chance to try out athletic fits — particularly if your normal style is more professional or safe. You can accessorize your outfit differently with caps, rings, and necklaces, but will still want to ensure any jewelry or rings you wear is appropriate for activewear to avoid discomfort during the game (and to make sure you can catch that foul ball!)

At the Game

Comfortable Seating

Most stadium seating is less comfortable than it should be. MLB stadiums usually have seats with backs, but many minor league/college teams still have metal bleachers or even grassy hills to sit on. To make the experience more comfortable, you should seriously consider bringing a cushion or your own seat back to clip onto bleachers — your back will thank you at the bottom of the ninth.

Stay Hydrated

Your body loses water quickly when you’re outside. There’s no AC to keep you cool, and the excitement of being at the game will make you sweat more than you expect. To combat this, you’ll want to drink 11.5-15 cups of water per day if you’re going to the game. This might seem like a lot (and it might not be appropriate for all people) but as a rule of thumb throughout the day, it will keep you healthy.

Make it Social

Going to the game alone is okay, but bringing your family and friends makes the experience that much more enjoyable. Even if your team loses, having a group to dissect tactics and techniques with will bring the game to life and will help you connect with those you care about the most. If you have kids who play, taking them to a big game is a great way to support their hobby, and having them regularly watch baseball will improve their technique and game knowledge.

If you suspect going to the game will be a chore for some of your friends/ family, then incorporate other activities like dinner plans, beverages, or road trips to keep the whole crew positive. Ultimately, you can’t force anyone to come to the game with you, but making the day into a fun event will make unenthused folks more likely to enjoy the day.

Get Involved

Breaks in the action give you time to get involved in fantasy baseball and allow you to stay up to date with scores around the league. If you’re one of the millions who play fantasy baseball, you can easily keep up to date with fantasy baseball trends and breaking news online. This will help keep you invested in the ball game, and will suddenly make that stolen base worth celebrating.

Enjoying the game is all about planning ahead. Ensuring you have the right clothes, comfortable seating, and stay well hydrated will keep you focused on the game rather than your back pain and wet clothes. Eventually, you might even put together an entire lucky pre-game routine — we’re sure it will help your team make the playoffs, too.  

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