Baseball Reflections Product Review: Cooperstown Cookie Company Classic Baseball Shortbread

“The Best baseball you ever ate.” That’s the slogan of the shortbread cookie company based in Cooperstown, New York (home of the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum).

The cookie company’s main product is simple short bread cookies shaped like baseballs. While on the surface, it may not seem like much, the company does a good job selling their simple treat. Each pack of two shortbread cookies comes in a small tin with the company’s logo on it. Inside, in addition to the cookies, baseball fans will find trivia questions such as: What Hall of Fame pitcher won at least 20 games in five straight seasons in the 1970s (The answer to which is provided on their website is Jim “Catfish” Hunter)?

The company has been all over baseball during the past half decade with many of baseball’s biggest stars, including Craig Biggio and Whitey Ford, using the Triple C for their family events. According to the company, the, “New York Yankees shared 1,200 customized tubes at the 2007 and 2008 Welcome Home Dinner,” while the, “Detroit Tigers gave 200 tins to their Season Suite holders.”

The treat has also received national recognition as it was named one of Rachael Ray’s “Snacks of the Day” on her television show.

While the shortbread cookie is no doubt their trademark, the company has done a lot to revolutionize the way they sell their product. They offer many different ways to purchase their cookies from large tins to bags and even offer a program that will put a company’s logo on a baseball sticker on the outside of a package of their cookies.

Their cookies come in four flavors including Classic Shortbread, All Star Almond, Boys of Summer Lemon and Mudville Mudball Chocolate Chip.

The simple shortbread cookies taste how one might expect a good shortbread cookie to taste. Their simple packaging and style seems to cater to the old school baseball fan looking for an off-the-field way to keep the game they love in their life. Their design is simple, yet presentable, and does give the impression of a company who has done their research and knows how to relate to the historic baseball community that surrounds them in Cooperstown.

In addition to producing these products, the company has also been active in their community and pledges part of all of their proceeds to the Pathfinder Village which is, “a residential community for children who have Down syndrome.” They are also known for their involvement with a company called Human Technologies Corporation which is, “a company of diverse businesses committed to enhancing the quality of live for people with disabilities.”

Their small containers would make perfect stocking stuffers for a baseball fan and their larger options would be a good coffee table treat for guests around the holidays. Other products they offer include a line of memorabilia with the theme of “Baseball…Anyone Can Play,” which sends the right message of participating in America’s game to fans of all ages. Overall, the product is a low price way to show a baseball fan that needs something special during the holiday time that the gift giver knows something about them.

Product Grade: 4.5/5

More information about these cookies can be found online at, their store or by phone at (607) 435-5789.

Bill Jordan is a contributing writer to and can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].

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