Ways to Improve Your Baseball Skills

Baseball is the all-time favorite pastime sport by Americans, and everyone in America loves playing it. However, not all who play are good at it, and these people often think that knowing the rules is enough to dominate the sport. Most baseball fans do not know that being good at playing baseball is more than […]

Pro Maple Composite Wood Hybrid L180 Bat by AXE: A Review

This year I used the L180 Pro Maple Composite wood AXE bat in my league’s wood bat games (a third of our games – hopefully more in 2019). In previous years I have used a Mattingly V-grip Ash and Maple bats, and Akadema Ash and even a ProXR ergonomic bat that also has an axe-like […]

2017 HyperWhip by Axe Bats, a Review

I was first introduced to Axe bats, if my memory is correct, at the 2014 100 Inning Baseball charity game for ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s disease) at Adams Field in Quincy, MA. Axe Bats were gracious enough to donate some Hard Maple Composite bats for the game that year. I had never swung an axe […]

Buying Baseball Bats

When he was 17 years old, John A. “Bud” Hillerich invited Louisville Eclipse star Pete Browning over to a woodworking shop owned by his father, to build a new bat for replacing one Browning broke in a match. The next day, Pete managed three hits off it, and the Louisville Slugger was born, over 200 […]

Maximize your SWING when combining Baseball with physics

Pipefitter by day and inventor by night, Tim Brown’s passion for baseball has been a life-long obsession, which has now lead him to his 2nd baseball invention the 1st being a Revolutionary Catchers Glove that protects the hand from the impact of the ball (www.browngloves.com).   “What does a doughnut have to do with baseball?” […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: Ten Basics You Really Should Know!

I truly believe in giving a baseball hitter some good guidelines and starting points and then “backing off.” Here are ten very good guidelines and then it’s going to be up to you. 1. Stand close enough to the plate so that when you’re bent over slightly at the waist, you can extend the bat […]

How To Be Successful Against Power Pitchers!

Against some of the harder throwers, many very good hitters cut down on their stride or even omit it completely. For those hitters who have trouble against “flame throwers,” they should remember that it’s not necessary to take any stride at all or to swing the bat that hard. Some baseball hitters, especially young hitters, […]

Pro-XR ergonomic baseball bat

Editor’s note: the text in this post comes from their site: www.proxr.com Pro-XR is the only patented ergonomic bat technology that gives batters a responsive swing, precise control, quicker hands, improved grip, better plate coverage, smoother swing and actually helps reduce injuries to the hand. All other baseball bats are not created equal. They all […]

How To Bunt Efficiently Is A Great Offensive Weapon!

During every at bat, it costs you absolutely nothing to take a sneaky and very quick glance and see where the first baseman and third baseman are playing. You will occasionally see one of them six or seven steps behind the bag and you can get a hit that is really “on the house.” Right-Handed […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: Your Baseball Hitting Style Belongs To You Only!

Your baseball hitting style is what you do at the plate before you swing the bat and baseball hitting mechanics are what you do when you are actually swinging the bat. If a coach wants to help you improve your baseball hitting mechanics, that’s one thing. But your very personal hitting style is an entirely […]

Baseball Tips: How To Focus On Three Things To Improve Your Hitting!

I believe hitters are way too often bombarded with too many baseball tips on hitting. The guilty culprits are often teammates, coaches, parents and occasionally even your Aunt Mary. Take your time and take hitting in stride. No pun intended. Try to learn a little bit at a time and you will be just fine. […]

Preseason Timing Tips for Hitting

I have seen so many kids season ruined before the season even gets close to starting. Dad or team coach takes player(s) to the batting cages and sets the speed at game speed on their first day of hitting, after a long offseason. It is important to realize that hitters’ eyes are not close to […]

How To Overcome Two Very Common Baseball Hitting Problems

I would venture that on any given team, at least one third of the hitters have one of these two very common hitting problems. Here are several baseball tips on hitting that should help to overcome them. Tension Is A Hitter’s Worst Enemy! I’ve heard this expression dozens of times and could not agree more. […]

Your Stance: The Foundation of Your Swing

John Wooden once said, “Be quick, but don’t hurry.” The late, great basketball coach’s wise words applied to the baseball diamond, as well. Quick hands, wrists and reflexes are valuable tools at the plate. Having patience and the ability to refrain from rushing things is just as valuable, particularly when setting up your stance in […]

My Review on Mattingly Baseball Bats with their V-Grip™ Technology

After being away from the game of baseball as a player (in an organized league) for over 20 years, I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to catch up to fastballs in excess of 80 mph anymore. I took the plunge and signed up to play in my first over thirty baseball (NOT softball) […]

Making Contact, Step 3: Flat-Hand Hitting

If any single idea dominates my overall approach to hitting it is my undying belief in the advantages of flat-hand hitting.  Here’s why… It increases your flexibility to react to a variety of pitches. It gives you more leverage to drive the baseball. It provides you better arm extension. It allows you the ability to […]

Rod Carew on Gripping Your Bat: Taking Hold of Success

For decades upon decades, from Ty Cobb to Mickey Mantle to Tony Gywnn to Miguel Cabrera; Major League Baseball’s finest hitters have taken hold of a bat in the fashion that suited them. And, in doing so, they all held tight to successful careers with an assortment of batting titles, All-Star selections, and even Hall […]

Rod Carew on Choosing the Right Bat

Throughout my career, I had the greatest respect for my bats. I preferred a 34 ½-inch long, 32-ounce ash bat that was wide at the top and narrow at the handle, allowing me a proper mix of power and quickness at the plate. But just as there are plenty of approaches to take at the […]

How To Preserve An Autographed Bat

This is a video that tells you how to preserve a signed baseball bat. How to Preserve Autographs on a Baseball Bat — powered by eHow.com Was this helpful to you? Yes or No?

Boston Adds a Bat

The Red Sox have aquired a new left handed bat and insurance if 3B Mike Lowell needs to miss any time in the second half. This will be an upgrade over Jeff Bailey, Adam Bates and even Mark Kotsay (who can still play in the OF). Here is what Boston’s sports talk radio station WEEI, […]

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