How to Make the Baseball Team: 5 Important Tryout Tips

Of course, there is no substitute for ballplayers, who are trying out for a team, to display good baseball skills in order to make the team. Good baseball skills and knowledge of the game are the things that baseball coaches are looking for during tryouts. However, often players have equal abilities and who makes the […]

The Rules of Reading the Spin of the Ball

Knowing where and when to look. Those are the two simple, but important rules to reading the spin of the ball out of the pitcher’s hand. Every pitcher has his own release point, the point at which the ball leaves his hand – and the point at which a hitter should begin to read the […]

Get 20% Off Baseball Art at

Our friends over at have graciously offered you, the Baseball Reflections readers, 20% off all orders $25 or more from now until the end of the month (October 31st)! To get this discount, just enter the following code: Code: PLAYBALL Expires: Oct. 31, 2010 To see their selection of Baseball art, just follow this […]

How to Help Struggling Hitters

I am so grateful for my major league baseball career. Most of you are probably thinking, “Of course, why wouldn’t he be?” The reason I am most grateful may be different than you think, though. Reflecting back on my playing days, I realize that at one time or another, I made every mistake in the […]

Standing in the Batter’s Box

Like many aspects in the art and science of hitting, where you take your stance in the batter’s box offers as many opinions as there are fans in the ballpark. But, wherever you choose to stand in the box, it’s an important decision. Some batters prefer standing deep in the box, while others like to […]

American and National League Divisional Series Prediction

OK, this is my first attempt at a webcast so it’s bound to be a little rough around the edges. I now see that it is much easier doing one of these with at least one more person like on the BBA Baseball Talk podcasts or online with the guys over at Pro Rumors TV. […]

DRSEA INFORMER: The Pursuit Of Dreams

Volume III, Issue 13: A Publication For Your Reading Enjoyment Like thousands of other boys and young men in the Dominican Republic, Edgar Ferreira chased the dream of baseball most of his life.  And, just like thousands of others, the chase went unfulfilled, ending far short of the big league career he had envisioned. I first […]

2010 Fantasy Baseball Surprises Both Good and Bad

Every year there are a number of surprises – good and bad.  Some of them are mild in the form of a decent player simply stepping his game up to a new level.  A few, though, seem to form out of thin air and proceed to drive the majority of us nuts as they put […]

My Plan for Getting In Shape for the 2011 Baseball Season

The good people over at CSN Stores asked me to do a review of one of the products that they sell at one of their stores. Given my performance or better yet, my lack of mobility in the field playing baseball this year after a 21 year layoff, I decided to go with the Vibro-belt […]

Pitch In For Baseball Event in Philly Today!

From David Rhode, Executive Director of Pitch In For Baseball: We are partnering with 610 WIP sports radio at their Play Day event today, Monday August 16th at FDR park near the stadium complex.  Our equipment collection site will be located near the Play Day Home Run Derby event. If you could add a post […]

Tim Lincecum’s Mechanics: A Somax Analysis

Below you will find an analysis of Tim Lincecum‘s pitching mechanics as compared to other pitchers. Some pitchers are current day pitchers as well as including how he compares with selected Hall of Fame pitchers like Nolan Ryan, Tom Seaver, etc.

Pitch in for Baseball Joins the State Farm “Go To Bat” Campaign

Pitch In For Baseball is delighted to have been selected to participate in State Farm‘s ‘Go To Bat’ campaign.  Now we need your help! ‘Go To Bat’ was launched nationally during the State Farm Home Run Derby.  ‘Go To Bat’ gives entrants a chance to win tickets to the upcoming World Series and selected charity […]

A-Rod’s Quest for his 600th HR

Last night A-Rod hit his 599th career HR in new Yankees Stadium & with a weekend series in the Bronx against the Royals it is very likely that # 600 will be launched in NY. With that in mind, here are a few infographics from our friends over at TiqIQ. This first one is a […]

What Did I Miss?

OK. It’s been over a month since I last posted. I’ll blame it on computer issues (including the fact that I erased everything on my hard drive). Now that I’ve recovered, what did I miss? Phillies Caught Cheating In the best tradition of the ’51 Giants, the Mets claimed that Phillies bullpen coach Mick Billmeyer […]

Mizuno World Win Series P/3B Glove Review

GWW1203 The Basics from Mizuno The Mizuno GWW1203 is a baseball glove with a Tartan web design (closed back) and ProFlex finger inserts in a pro style pattern. It comes specially tanned in a retro leather for a soft, supple feel for durability allowing for a quicker breaking in period. In fact, it comes nearly […]

A Case for the Creation of Baseball in Pittsfield, MA from 1791

There seems to be a case for the origins of the game of baseball hailing from the Bay State (Massachusetts) rather than Cooperstown, NY, home of Doubleday Field and The Baseball Hall of Fame. So was baseball created in Cooperstown, NY by Mr. Doubleday, (as per the book “Live All You Can” as mentioned in […]

The Wizard of Oz, Ozzie Smith on The Baseball Bunch

This is one of the most popular episodes of The Baseball Bunch (which ran from 1982-85), featuring Hall of Fame SS Ozzie Smith (c. 1983)! This year is the 25th anniversary of the show ending, a show that I think should be revitalized to bring the younger generation back into the game! What do you […]

A Review of Swenson Baseball’s SN8 Infielder’s Glove

This is a first for a Baseball Reflections product review in two ways. First, this was the first review done from an independent glove maker, the Swenson Baseball Company and a demo model glove. But before we get to the the review, here’s a little info about them from their About Swenson page: Established in […]

Advertising & Product Reviews on Baseball Reflections

Image by shannonkringen via Flickr For those of you who do not already know, Baseball Reflections is looking to replace some of the affiliate ads on the site with YOUR text linked or image linked ads! The ads that must go (or get bumped below the fold) are Amazon, EA Sports, Fan Duel,  & Lids. […]

First Annual Baseball Reflections Pledge Drive: Update

We’ve added some perks to the pledge drive today. Actually, we forgot to mention this in the kickoff article a week ago! Sorry about that! All previous pledges will count towards these added bonuses. For every $30 donation you are free to choose an item, under $6.00 from our line of Baseball Reflections merchandise which […]

How To Preserve An Autographed Bat

This is a video that tells you how to preserve a signed baseball bat. How to Preserve Autographs on a Baseball Bat — powered by Was this helpful to you? Yes or No?

Baseball Reflections Weekly Mailbag

Happy Saturday! Pitchers and catchers have reported to Spring Training camp and position players will be reporting soon, too. Life is good! To celebrate this momentous event we have decided to host a weekly (we hope) mailbag. This is where YOU, the Baseball Reflections readers, get to ask questions of the Baseball Reflections staff (me […]

BackyardBall: A book on Whiffleball, aka Plastic Ball

Backyard Ball By Thomas P. Hannon, Jr. This is a fun filled book about the world of Plastic Baseball or Wiffle Ball. It includes all the information you need to start playing as a family game or serious league play. Use this book to help rediscover your Backyard and read about people who actually built […]

Former Phillies Player, Dave Hollins, Tell His Diabetes Story

I have recently decided that Baseball Reflections will start broadening our horizons just a bit. Call it one of our 2010 resolutions. We will now be bringing you selected videos in a more frequent basis than we have in our previous two years of operation. We hope this ads to your enjoyment of this site! […]

Baseball Reflection’s Affiliation with Amazon

Image via CrunchBase As some of you have noticed, we have joined the Amazon affiliate program some time ago. What you may not know is what’s available through Baseball so this post is here to tell you just that! For starters, you can view and purchase from our aStores which is where you can […]

Akadema’s Prodigy Series Youth Baseball Gloves

Prodigy Design Series AOZ 91, For players ages 9-13 Anyone who has followed my writing closely from the start or who happens to know me personally should know that I am a HUGE Ozzie Smith fan! His Cardinals number is on my HS class ring as my favorite position to play in HS was SS. […]

Friday Night Links: Gift Ideas

Baseball T-shirts Upon following the above link (Baseball T-shirts) you can be sure to find baseball shirts of all sizes and styles. For example, you will find men’s and women’s shirts, 3/4 sleeve and long sleeve shirts as well as team and player specific shirts. Here are some of the specific styles you’ll find… There’s […]

A Giveaway c/o Baseball Reflections

Once again Baseball Reflections is teaming up with to giveaway keychains. This time we will be giving away 3 keychains in the the following categories (one keychain from each category). This time around we will be doing a straight drawing. Digital Photo Keychains and Keyrings To see their selection of Digital Photo Keychains and […]

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